Sunday, July 31, 2011

Addicted to cats

First, there are the three new kittens,
Snow White, Cottonball and Macaroni.
Then, there's their mum,
Whitey Mum.

Followed by the two older kittens,
Dynamo and Twisty,
It's a shame that their
Two younger brothers have died.
Patch, oh Patch. It was horrible
To see him die, he spat out blood.
Stubbles died during the night so
He kind of spared us the sad part,
Then, there's their mum,
Stripey. She has the loveliest meow
In the whole of the eight cats I've got.
But, I can't deny, Whitey Mum's meow
Is pretty cute too...

And last but not least, there's Greg.
Greg, a runaway mix pedigree.
My aunt calls him Uncle Greg,
Which is kind of cute...
He's got the softest meow of all the males.

It's really, really too bad that the other cats
Have gone away.
Whitey II, Blackie and etc...

-Addicted to cats
by Sylvia EvilKitty